Yesterday me and my boyfriend spent a fair amount of time bugging my dog. First, when I was at target I bought this sweet lumberjack hat for him. We made him wear it for a few minutes and, as you can tell, he was very pleased.

So then after that, also out of boredom, I decided I was going to dye a heart onto his butt. I used to do this when he was little and he actually doesn't really mind too much, except for the fact that he hates having to wear that cone collar thing. If you're interested, all I did was put his cone collar on so he doesn't get sick on hair dye, apply the hair dye, then after about five minutes shampoo it out.

Let's see... today I plan on working on my bike a bit and finishing up a collage I'm working on, so there are a couple of nice things to come :).
Haha, the heart is so sweet. I always wanted to dye our white cat purple, but no one in the family would let me.
aw, he's got a heart on him! I love pugs!
Aww he's so cute. My cats freak out when I try to put hats on them.
He's adorable! I love pugs!
I love your dog! I used to paint my dog's nails blue (I thought it suited his golden coat!) and people used to stop me in the street and laugh! (In a nice way, thankfully!)
what a cutie
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